Dating in your 30s

You feel the crushing peer pressure of getting married to a 10/10, in a mansion with a Golden Retriever. After all, you're in your 30s, right? Wrong! Best to remember that the timelines set by society for "settling down" are BS and that everyone takes life at their own pace. But there are some not-so-small nuances between dating in your 20s and 30s.

"Who Am I?”

There's this notion that once you've hit 30, you automatically become a wise seer with life figured out. However, most people still don't know who they are or what they're after even as late as their 60s. Self-discovery is a big part of this thing we call "life". Step 1 is evaluating what values you care about the most and what are non-negotiable deal breakers that contradict against said values. There's this false dichotomy that you have to find yourself or focus on self-improvement before you can date when you can do both in simultaneously. The right one will hold your hand while you navigate on the life-long journey of introspection.

"Should I settle?"

You ask yourself "Should I settle?" as you sip your red wine. The answer should always be a resounding "no". What do I mean by this? I don't mean if they don't look like Chris Hemsworth or Sydney Sweeney you shouldn't turn them down. Newsflash we're all going grey and wrinkled so looks shouldn't be an issue (to an extent). This refers to whether you find their personality appalling or if they mistreat you. Find someone better. Scarcity is a myth. You can always find someone who will treat you right.

"I just want to get married."

This mindset furthers the goal post from arms reach. Don't get me wrong it's helpful to have the end goal in mind (if you have one) but if you're too consumed with what things could be rather than what things are then you're not dating for the right reasons. You should fully enjoy your partner's company, stay in the moment, appreciate, be aware of traits that could potentially be a deal breaker and communicate them.

“The dating market is hopeless."

It simply isn't. It definitely is smaller, as peeps in their 30s have higher standards and expectations (as you should). With the rise of the hook-up culture, I can see why one may think this way. You have to be clear about what you want from dating right off the bat to avoid getting hurt. Dating someone of the same age most likely would have more relatability and relationship experience, so they would know how to treat their partner right.

The only thing you need to do is find your person in the right place. Hunbun offers an enriching dating experience that goes beyond superficialities and focuses more on the emotional connections as pictures are revealed once there is a solid connection.


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