Busting Dating Myths: “Online Dating is a Waste of Time”

Debates within the dating world are very prevalent, causing frustration and misinformation. From age-old traditions to modern-day apps, everyone seems to have strong opinions about what works best for finding love. We’re going to present the facts and figures debunking these opinions.

“Online Dating is A Waste of Time”

According to recent studies, online dating has become increasingly successful in fostering long-term relationships. A survey conducted by Stanford University found that around 39% of heterosexual couples and 65% of same-sex couples who met in 2017 did so through online dating platforms. Furthermore, the same study reported that relationships that began online were less likely to end in separation or divorce.

Time to dust off your out of date opinion and download Hunbun now, your future boo is waiting for you.

Verdict: True

“Opposites Attract”

Contrary to the popular belief that opposites attract, research published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology suggests that similarities in attitudes, values, and interests are more likely to lead to successful long-term relationships. Shared values create a stronger bond and promote better understanding between partners, enhancing the potential for a lasting connection.

Your enemies to lovers fantasy is a bit delulu so better holla at the guy/girl at your gym or your slam poetry class.

Verdict: False

“Love Should Be Effortless if It's Meant to Be”

While the idea of effortless love may sound appealing, all relationships require effort, commitment, and communication to thrive. According to a study published in the Journal of Marriage and Family, couples who reported higher levels of satisfaction and happiness put in consistent effort to nurture their relationships and navigate challenges together.

You don’t find your soulmate, you make them into your soulmate so don’t be too quick on giving up on someone.

Verdict: False

“They should take care of my Mental Health”

Weaponizing mental health to set boundaries is a concerning trend that can have significant negative consequences. While it's essential to prioritize one's mental well-being and set healthy boundaries, using mental health issues as a manipulative tactic can lead to misunderstandings and erode trust in relationships. According to a study by the National Institute of Mental Health, approximately 1 in 5 adults in the United States experience mental illness each year, making it a prevalent issue. By weaponizing mental health, individuals may exploit the vulnerability of others, causing emotional harm and perpetuating stigma around mental health struggles. It is crucial to foster open and honest communication when setting boundaries, focusing on mutual respect and understanding rather than exploiting mental health for personal gain.

At the end of the day your mental health is not an excuse to treat someone poorly or justify your mishaps in the relationships. You have to take accountability for your actions and empathise with your partner.

Verdict: False

That’s 3/4 are false that goes to show how we’re propagating for beliefs that are proven invalid. Ultimately, every individual and relationship is unique, and while data can guide our understanding, it's crucial to approach dating with an open mind and a willingness to learn and grow together. By debunking myths and embracing the complexities of modern dating, we can make informed decisions that lead us closer to finding meaningful and lasting connections.


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