Is Your Crush an Alvin, Simon or Theodore?

Let’s classify your crush by using the beloved 2007 film ‘Alvin and the Chipmunks’. Every man falls into each miniature size box and we’ll help you decipher which one.


What is an ‘Alvin’?

Leader of the friend group vibes. He most likely plays a sport hedging my bets on football, rugby or hockey. He is not afraid to charm your pants off with his bright smile and radiating confidence, he’s an absolute show stealer. Find one at your local pub or frat house chilling with his squad of Alvins.

Downsides to Dating an ‘Alvin’

Here’s the kicker with Mr. Wonderful. He lives the fast life and a serial dater who barely has anytime to get to know someone seriously. One may think that he is a little shallow and values the superficial over the sentimental.

Here’s how to win their heart

Take interest on their hobbies and show them that you are willing to go the extra mile, this will make you stand out from the rest. Don’t be afraid to speak out, they will respect you if you do. These men are still growing their emotional side so a lot of patience is needed.


What is a Simon?

Straight A’s, and a total bookworm. Probably graduated from a Russell Group Uni and now works in the STEM field. If you want a guy with a 5-year plan and has there finances sorted, he’s your guy. You’ll see him lounge about your local library or coffee shop reading research papers.

Downsides to Dating an ‘Simon’

The word ‘dense’ comes to mind. Latin or C++ are languages that they have mastered but they’re illiterate when it comes to romance. Dating experience are sub par; they probably had 1 situationship in their 20+ years of existence or their undying love to Princess Leia from Star Wars.

Here’s how to win their heart

Take the lead. The only moves they’re making are on the chess board. Show them that you’re interested otherwise they won’t see that you are even with their contact lenses or prescription glasses on. Show them how fun dating could be by delving in each others interest and going on fun action packed dates.


What is a ‘Theodore’?

Fashionable and funny. If you want to laugh to the point where you squirt out water from your nose, or you need a banging Spotify playlist recommendation, then Theodore boys are the ones for you. These boys bank on personality, as their conversational skills and ability to empathise is top tier.

Downsides to Dating an ‘Theodore’

Hearts are on their sleeves and they can be a little bit sensitive. Tread lightly when it comes to discussing serious topics because it could become a rage-filled debate. If people pleasing were a job then they would be CEO and this leads into them feeling drained.

Here’s how to win their heart

Let them know that they’re enough and that they can’t please everyone. Make them realise that they’re accepted for who they truly are. Be careful with your words, know that people have different sensitivities in terms of certain topics, find out what those are.


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