5 Questions that’ll put them on the HOT SEAT

"The weather's nice today, huh?" is a question you ask when you run out of things to say. Have you ever found yourself in awkward silence staring at the ceiling or gawking at the floor looking for a saving grace? Let's stop that! Here are 5 questions that'll put them on the hot seat:

1. "What's your story?"

Boil the kettle! This question is very open-ended. They could tell you what they do for a living as their story. They could even delve back into their past or give you something vague and mysterious that'll leave you wanting to know more about them as a person. This question is helpful to ask in the initial stages of the conversation because it helps navigate the entire interaction.

2. "If you could live anywhere, where would you live?"

Lukewarm question! The world is quite literally our oyster (hope you're not allergic). This question seems surface level but it actually dives deeper into your date's mentality, how culturally in tune and open-minded they are. If they strongly believe that they want to live in a place that's a complete contrast to where they currently reside, then that means there's a hint of dissatisfaction with their current lifestyle or they're simply wanting to be more adventurous. If they say that they're happy where they are this might hint that they're content with where they are in life. However, it could also mean that they're a bit complacent and hesitant to change. This is not always the case of course but take note of how they express their words when answering.

3. "How many relationships have you been in?"

Their *ss is starting to burn! This question should be asked later when you've both settled in and are ready to get deep. Being in a healthy amount of relationships depending on your age could be a good indicator of what type of partner your date could be (for more information, read more here).

4. "What is a lie you told that spiralled out of control? Was it worth lying about?"

Where's that smoke coming from?! They will hesitate to answer this question. However, this would truly show how genuine your date is, if they're willing to take accountability for mistakes they've made and how they deal with and resolve conflict. For more questions like this read our previous blogs about asking questions about emotional intimacy.

5. "What made you want to go on this date? Do you regret it?"

The heat is at maximum! Although you might not be comfortable asking this question, trust me, it's game changing. The ball is in their court. If they say something superficial or sweet, you’ll know what they are looking for and have a rough estimate of what they expect from you. The follow up question would tell you how they perceive the interaction. So I would leave this question right at the end when you're walking them or they're walking you to the bus stop or train station.


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