5 ways dating has changed for women

Happy International Women's Day! Dating and courtship have changed tremendously over the past years due to the progressive mindset shifts induced by the feminist movement. Men and women now possess an active role in terms of courtship.

1. Women shooting their shot

72% of guys prefer if the woman makes the first move, as shown in the Journal of Sex Research back in 2015. The numbers speak for themselves, yet less than 1 in 10 women do. Ladies, shoot your shot! Mr Right won't just wander on your doorstep.

2. Splitting the Bill

A survey showed that 66% of women expect the bills to be split 50/50 on the first date, and 22% said they would never let someone pay for their meal. You're spending time with them because you want to; having them pay for your meal makes it seem like a transaction, and that isn’t a good way to start a potential budding romance.

3. "You Plan the Date."

Dating should be a fun and exciting activity where both parties have an equal say. Ladies, if you don't want to "Netflix and Chill" again, let him know; maybe you're more of a "Disney plus and bust" type of gal. Voice out your interests.

4. The Godforsaken 3 Date-Rule

Physical intimacy is a barrier most women do not want to cross too early for reasons involving past social stigmas of female promiscuity. We are animals in nature; we have needs, men and women alike. Our society also believes that "giving it up" too quickly leads to nothing but failure in your dating life, which is proven to be false. A survey shows that 56% of women have had sex with their long-term partners on the first night. So it’s safe to say you should wear your best lingerie on that first date or night out!

5.) Waiting to be hit on by Mr. Right.

Women want that meet-cute moment we see in movies, where you grab the same carrot on the vegetable aisle as you simultaneously giggle and look each other deep in the eyes, but the chances of that happening are slim to none. News flash: Meeting in real life is overrated; that's why the rate of divorce is exponentially high. The end of the world (aka the pandemic) didn’t exactly help singles meet-up IRL. You can't seriously tell me you trust that guy in that crumpled mask, hence why dating app sign-ups for some companies skyrocketed up to a 700% increase during the pandemic.


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