Dating in your Mid-20s

"Dating becomes easier as you age." Pinocchio's nose grew three inches, saying the egregious phrase out loud. There is a perpetuating notion that finding love, or at least finding someone tolerable enough to share a room with, is smooth sailing. However, the dating world is full of hoops and hurdles that you need to jump and go through, especially during your twenties. We outline the pains of dating in your 20s, especially in the modern age where porn and vibrators that go 800 bpm exist. The first step to solving the problem is pointing out the aches of love, no matter how gut-wrenching it may be.

1.) See you, never

As a philosopher once said, "I move with the time; whatever's happening in time, I'm in." this may or may not have been said by Snoop Dogg. The quote says a lot about people of this age. Millennials are a NOW generation; whatever's occurring in the present and within their reach takes priority. So how can you find time to meet up with that cute girl you briefly chatted with at that coffee shop or that spiritual guy you met in your yoga class. Rescheduling on someone is like cleaning the toilet, not the most pleasant experience. "See you on Friday" turns into "see you never".

2.) Legacy over love 

Millennials and Gen Z are shown to be the hardest working generation throughout the history of time. A whopping 73% of Millenials are shown to work more than 40 hours a week. 5-minute dates next to the water cooler during break are not enough to ease that craving.

3.) Lone-wolf mentality

"I do, actually maybe I don't, I change my mind. I do" the fickle processing of people in their mid-20s is astounding. 41% of people ages 18 to 29 are single, almost half. The thought of settling down is stomach-churning. A generation of maximisers, meaning that everyone would not settle for anything less than perfection. 

4.) Dating apps suck

Ghosting, roaching, benching any word that ends with an -ing stem from dating apps built up from superficialities. You're promised love or at least a good time but end up leaving with trust issues, a broken heart and cringe run-ins with your local f*ck boy/girl. If only there was an app that prioritises building that connection (*cough, cough* Hunbun).


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