Dating Misconceptions: Bisexuality

Bisexuality is a concept that is often misconstrued not only by the straight people but also the queer community. Below are common misconceptions and the truths about bisexuality and the “bi-experience”.

1. Misconception: “You’re not Bi, you’re just confused”

In general, dictating someone's sexuality is problematic, an issue that bisexual individuals face on a daily basis. Statement such as “It’s just a phase” alienates the bi community and strips away the legitimacy of what it means to be bisexual because it perpetuates a narrative where you can only be homosexual or heterosexual, leaving no room for the complexity of human sexuality. Bi people face scrutiny not only from straight community but also from the LGBTQ+ community it is reported that 43% of bi people have never attended any LGBTQ+ events due to the discrimination they face from the community.

The Truth: Bisexuality is a legitimate sexuality and that has been evidently shown throughout history. People should realise that sexuality is not a black and white concept rather it’s a different shades of unique hues.

2. Misconception: “Bisexuals are disloyal and sexual fiends”

Bisexuals are painted as nymphomaniacs that are willing “to do it with just anyone”. Harmful stereotypes are reasons why bisexuals are discriminated against.

The Truth: A study conducted by the National Survey of Family Growth in the United States show that on average bi people have the same amount of sexual and monogamous relationships as a straight person.

3. Misconception: “Bi people don’t have a preference”

Bisexual individuals are attracted to all genders equally. It’s a fact that may not be harmful on surface level but it has underlying themes of discrimination that suggest that bi individuals are unable to have preference due to their sexuality.

The Truth: A study published in the journal Archives of Sexual Behavior found that bisexual individuals often have varying degrees of attraction to different genders, just as heterosexual or homosexual individuals do with the opposite or same gender.

Debunking these misconceptions about bisexuality is essential to fostering a more inclusive and understanding society. Bisexual individuals deserve respect, validation, and recognition for their authentic experiences. By acknowledging bisexuality as a legitimate sexual orientation and challenging the stereotypes that surround it, we can create a more supportive environment for individuals of all sexual orientations to express themselves and build meaningful relationships without judgment or bias. It's important to approach bisexuality with an open heart and a willingness to learn, dispelling the myths that cloud our understanding of this diverse and beautiful aspect of human sexuality.



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