Survival Guide to Cuffing Season

ALERT, ALERT! Cuffing Season is fast approaching! Temperature rates are going down and the rates of you texting your toxic ex is on the rise. We’re here to help you conquer the cold and the overwhelming FOMO of being single on this god forsaken time of the year.

1. Don’t be too Delulu!

Before you dive headfirst into cuffing season, remember that not every short-term connection will turn into a long-term relationship. It's crucial to set realistic expectations for yourself and your potential partner. Keep things light and enjoyable without unnecessary pressure.

2. Strut the Streets

Socialise as much as you could. Join run groups, hit the club, look extra spicy shopping for groceries, the list goes on and on. Put some bass on your walk and chatter away.

3. Build Your Roster

After you've socialized and collected a few numbers here and there, it's time to observe and analyse. After all, love isn't exactly a science (as no one ever said). In all seriousness, it's not advisable to put all your eggs in one basket. So, don't expect to find your 'boo' right off the bat.

4. Don’t Let The Seasonal Blues Blind You

Cuffing season can also be a time when some people experience seasonal affective disorder (SAD) or winter blues. Make sure you won’t let this cloud your judgement when choosing a mate because when spring comes you’re going to scratch your head thinking “what have I done?” or “who is this person right next to me”.

5. Keep it Light and Enjoy The Ride

Set your expectations low and spirits up and remember that you’re own company is way more valuable than a stranger you’ve met online. Make memories with friends and family alike as ‘tis the season to be jolly.


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