New year, new love

Thinking of making resolutions for the new year? Maybe in the past you’ve planned to actually start using your gym card, or to finally quit smoking, but this year maybe it’s to focus on your love life.

Whatever you decide to do, it never hurts to have a plan to keep to your New Year’s resolutions. Statistically, only 8% of people stick to their New Year’s resolutions throughout the year. So, we’d like to help you with some tips and tricks to build a long lasting and successful plan to turn your New Year’s resolutions into reality.

From idea to reality

Rule number one when it comes to New Year’s resolutions is: think realistically. It is better to focus on changing one thing at a time. Sit down with pen and paper and write down a list of what you really want in a potential partner, why is this and how would it make you feel? Don’t overwhelm yourself with too many contingencies or all the boxes they must tick for you. Think about the qualities you would really like to focus on and prioritise those.

Have realistic expectations
If you are single, it’s natural to want to find a partner in the coming year. Although you may think that a new love will be exactly what you want, ask yourself first if you are really ready for a relationship. Answer honestly. If you’re sure that's what you want, dedicate yourself to it wholeheartedly! Start with something easy like online dating or speed dating events. Be open and try to put yourself into social situations with opportunities to meet new people. Set milestones and reward yourself when these are achieved. When online dating, take your time – you don’t need to go on a date every weekend, instead prioritise quality over quantity. Get to know someone - what’s their hobbies? What makes them tick? What is their love language? Focus on environments which will enable you to find these things out - like the Hunbun app.

Be brave
It can take time to meet someone who you are truly compatible with. Be brave and talk to new people, even those who may not be your normal type - you might be surprised! The chances are they’re also in the same boat so take it easy and don’t put too much pressure on yourself.

Stay motivated

Being self-disciplined and motivated are perhaps the most difficult things when it comes to keeping up with New Year’s resolutions. Remember; try new things, take chances, and be kind to yourself. There is definitely a grain of truth to the cliché ‘love comes when you least expect it’, but it is your active choices that will yield results – remember, nothing changes if nothing changes.


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