Welcome 2022

For many, the New Year signals the chance for new beginnings and while some may use it as an opportunity to get fit or start a different job, for others it’s all about finding love.

So much so, that the first Sunday after New Year’s just happens to be the biggest online dating day of the year. Dubbed “Dating Sunday”, this year the event falls on 2nd January and industry experts are predicting it will be the busiest yet. To maximise your chances of finding romance, it’s vital that you get your dating app profile just right. As you’re setting up your profile, here are some of our top tips to get you noticed and matched with the right people.

1. Provide enough information in your bio and profile

This seems obvious. But so many people’s “about me” sections are blank or simply don’t have enough information for someone to get a gist of who you really are! Yes, dating apps are usually image-heavy; but with Hunbun you’re not relying on the visuals when initially striking up a conversation - so put your best foot forward with your profile. If you don’t put the minimum effort in to create an online dating profile, it shows you’re not taking it seriously and doesn’t bode well for the kind of effort and attention you might put into a date or a relationship. For certain dating apps, like ours, you won’t get in without the basics. 

2. Include a variety of photos — and avoid anything controversial

Once you’ve gotten to the stage of being able to view images of the people you are talking to in our app, you want to avoid the dating-app pitfalls of  group shots or blurry photos etc  A dating profile is your chance to communicate what your life is like, and what it might be like to date you. Ideally, someone happens upon your profile and thinks to themselves: I could see myself being a part of that life — and enjoying it. Which also means you might want to avoid any images that are particularly controversial.

3. Give people a chance who don’t quite fit “your type”

I’m sure the one piece of advice that often pops up in your conversations with couples or long-time married colleagues is that the person you’ll end up with is not the person you imagine. So how will you meet that match if you’re only interested in those that resemble the partner you’ve dreamed up? You can still keep your standards high, but we can all benefit from giving someone a chance. You never know whom you might meet.


Are soulmates even real?


New year, new love