Single life: how to slay through the holidays

Oh yes, it’s that time of the year again. Summer went by as quickly as a high speed train, next thing you know Halloween creeped in, and now there’s Elves and Christmas lights hanging from every corner.The time you’ve all been waiting for…going home to see the family and getting probed about your dating status at the dinner table.This might lead to awkward conversations and could potentially be a massive mood killer. So the big question is: how can you enjoy yourself during the holiday season without having to feel like the 9th wheel at every family gathering, dinner party or office shindig when you arrive solo?

Relaxation is key

Try not to get swept up in the stress of it all. Set some boundaries to stay in a good mental place. Why don’t you actually take some time for YOURSELF to unwind and recharge your batteries. Read a book, bake, go for long winter walks, go on a solo trip, whatever floats your boat!

Get rid of those holiday blues

If you get those yearly holiday blues, then make sure to let trusted people know and plan some fun activities ahead! Something that will take your mind off things (not just booze!) Getting out of the house is always good to replenish the soul.

Take every invite as an opportunity

I mean, what better way to meet new people than dinner parties! If you are on the lookout for a sexy new partner then treat the holiday season as an opportunity to get out of your comfort zone. You never know, your auntie’s friend’s cousin might just be the one!

Get on the dating apps

You’d be surprised to know that there are A LOT of people in the same situation as you. Most of them will be spending some time going through dating apps.The holiday season provides you with ample opportunity for reflection and taking care of yourself, which also means preparing yourself for the right relationship (that is, if you’re looking for one). If you are able to tolerate the momentary awkwardness from family, friends and colleagues, you may actually find yourself having a fantastic time on a date with someone!
If it doesn’t work out, don’t beat yourself down, trust the process, don’t take everything (or yourself) too seriously, eventually everything will fall into place.


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