Hunbun is LIVE

We are proud to announce that Hunbun has finally launched on the App Store (UK only). Thank you for sticking with us! We had to make sure we tick all of your boxes and offer an online dating experience unlike any other.

How are you different from other dating apps?

Mainstream dating apps feed into superficialities, and the prioritisation of looks > personality is louder than ever. The death of fruitful and emotional connections is slowly encroaching modern-day dating. We want to be the light at the end of the tunnel for hopeless romantics who want to create a more meaningful bond.

One of our many unique selling points is the fact that we want our users to have that 'spark' before even seeing one another. The more consistently our users make an effort to get to know each other, the more it reveals about their matches profile. Things like height, prompts, and preference under the sheets get unlocked progressively.

We only accept quality profiles.

You might be thinking, "WTH? that seems a bit harsh". Well, on the surface, yes! Hear us out; we want to build a community of daters that takes dating seriously.

"Well, what does that mean?" Our acceptance guidelines for dating profiles are stricter than most; this means no filtered photos and we genuinely just we want you to be your authentic self.

We value safety

We want our users to feel safe when meeting someone in real life. Talking to someone through a screen not knowing who they actually are can be nerve wracking. We review user profiles carefully and pragmatically to ensure they are genuinely who they say they are.

This screening process is easier and faster as we paired up with Onfido, the leading tech company for identity verification in the UK. Your information will be kept safe, and automatically deletes 10 days after you’ve signed up.

We prevent ghosting

You would most likely resolve to ghost when you feel the connection is not there and the conversation is dryer than the Sahara desert. It’s easy to forget the other persons feelings when you’re chatting through a screen and we’re proud to say that we are an anti-ghosting app.

What does that mean? It' means we give a variety of messages for you to send before unmatching with someone. Being led on is the worst, and we're here to save you from the heartbreak that it might potentially bring.

How is it going so far?

The launch was a success, but we want 10x the number of users on the app to make sure that our users have a lot of potential contenders to match with and get to know on a deeper level.

Big-name stars like Grace Keeling, Caitlin and Leah, and other known influencers have shown their support.

Where we're headed?

Well, to the top, of course! The aim is to help change toxic dating habits that we’ve become so tolerant to. Watch out for future updates. Something juicy is coming.


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