Everything you need to know about slow dating

Dating has transformed in many ways due to the Coronavirus pandemic. The majority of us were cut-off from regular forms of social interaction and physical intimacy, and at first it felt like the end of the f*cking world. However, with the luxury of time and being stuck in quarantine, daters uncovered that physical connection and social settings weren’t the only ways to build a deep and meaningful connection. As the pace of dating decelerated, '‘slow dating’ began to emerge.

The idea behind ‘slow dating’ is exactly as the term suggests: slowing things down by taking the time to form a close connection with someone before deciding if you want to meet in real life. Singles are beginning to value personality over one’s physical appearance, and 2020 provided the optimal setting for people to think critically about what they are searching for in a relationship.

Consequently, daters have been investing more time to dig beneath the surface and get to really know someone before planning a Covid secure date. If slow dating sounds like something you’d be into, keep things interesting by asking questions about topics that are important to you and have healthy debates to uncover each others viewpoints and values. If the pandemic has taught us one thing, it’s that you can still build an intimate relationship with someone without having to get naked and jiggy with it.


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