The best questions to ask if you want emotional intimacy

Allowing yourself to be vulnerable with another person may be scary at first, but it’s one of the best ways to build emotional intimacy with your partner. These questions aim to deepen the feeling of closeness and aid in strengthening your bond with each other. Here’s a list we’ve put together:

  1. What is your favorite childhood memory?

  2. Did you have any pets growing up? Are you more a dog person or cat person?

  3. What did you want to be when you grew up? Is that in line with what you do now? If no, what changed your path?

  4. Are you happy with your current job?

  5. Are you close to your family?

  6. What do you admire most about your parents?

  7. Can you describe one of your favorite moments with your mum?

  8. What is your biggest fear?

  9. When did you have your first kiss?

  10. How many long-term relationships have you been in? Why did the last one not work out?

  11. Could you ever forgive your partner for cheating?

  12. Do you believe in soulmates?

  13. Can you describe your ideal first date?

  14. What does a typical Sunday look like for you?

  15. What is an achievement you are most proud of?

  16. What are your dreams and ambitions?

  17. What is your biggest regret?

  18. Do you consider yourself more extroverted or introverted?

  19. Who are your closest friends? Tell me a little about them.

  20. What are some of your favorite memories with your friends?

  21. What are the most important values you look for in a partner?

  22. What is a major turn-off for you?

  23. What was one of the most embarrassing moments in your life?

  24. In your opinion, can a long-distance relationship ever survive?

  25. What is your favorite type of weather?

  26. Can you describe your ideal vacation?

  27. What do you do to de-stress?

  28. What is your go-to meal?

  29. How would you spend your last day on Earth?

  30. What is your favorite movie (or at least top 3)?

  31. Are you adventurous? If yes, what are some of the things on your bucket-list?

  32. What genre of music do you listen to?

  33. What is your dream city to live in, and why?

  34. What are your plans for the future?

  35. Do you want kids, if yes, how many would you ideally want?

  36. What are some beliefs/values you want to pass down to your children?

  37. Can you name a few books that have influenced you?

  38. What is a lie you told that spiraled out of control? Was it worth lying about it?

  39. Can you describe your characteristics?

  40. Do you value inner beauty more than outer beauty? Why?

We hope these questions will help you dig deep beneath the surface and get to really know one another. It should give you a good idea of how compatible you both are. Good luck!


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