The importance of self-love in a relationship

Ever heard the saying ‘your vibe attracts your tribe’? Well it sure as hell is true. In order to have a healthy successful relationship, you need to be able to love yourself first. Now, this isn’t something that can happen with the click of a button, it takes time, patience, kindness to yourself and above all, belief that you are all that you need to make yourself happy. Here are some tips on how to strengthen your self-love:

  1. Treat yourself the way you want others to treat you

    Entering a relationship when you don’t love yourself can give rise to neediness and insecurities. However, when you exercise self-love, it inherently boosts your self-confidence, self-acceptance and you feel a sense of inner peace. You will be able to steer your relationship in any direction you choose, fully aware of your boundaries. Practicing self-love radiates your strength and confidence to others, meaning that you no longer seek external validation.

  2. Self-love leads to healthy relationships

    When you love yourself, you omit an aura to other self-loving potential matches, i.e. people who are worthy of your time and attention. However, if you’re feeling low and insecure about yourself, you will only attract those with a similar aura. The sense of contentment that comes with self-love enables you to communicate with your partner how they can effectively contribute towards your happiness and build a healthy relationship.

  3. Say goodbye to codependency

    If you lack self-love, then your relationship is built on a fragile foundation and you might have an incessant need to be reassured about the relationship. This takes its toll on both parties involved, which inevitably leads to frustration and failure. In contrast, when you hold yourself to a high regard, you are independent and your relationship is an equal partnership.

Remember that the relationship you have with yourself is one that you will have for the rest of your life. The more you practice self-love, the more your relationship will thrive.


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