How to recover from a breakup

Although people deal with breakup’s differently, there’s one thing we all have in common: we need time to heal. The end of a relationship can leave you feeling anxious, depleted, angry and sometimes, even confused. There are some steps you can take to pick yourself up off the ground (quite literally), and turn this experience into something positive.

  1. Acknowledge your feelings

    The worst thing you can do is suppress your feelings. Grieving the relationship is a crucial step for your road to recovery and mental wellbeing. Let the emotions course through your body and freely express how you are feeling, whether it’s crying yourself to sleep, listening to Adele on repeat, eating a tub of ice cream or kicking some ass at the gym, do what you gotta do. This step is the hardest and takes the longest, but once you are able to think about your ex without wanting to burst into tears, that’s a sign of progress!

  2. Lean on your close ones

    It’s important to surround yourself with your support bubble, be it close friends and family. They will serve as a gentle reminder that you are loved and cared for. Your support bubble can help you process your feelings and even be a welcomed distraction to momentarily take your mind off the breakup.

  3. Practice self-care

    Sometimes it’s helpful to believe that everything happens for a reason. Even though breakup’s can take their toll on you, at the end of the day you are the person you can most rely on. And you need to make sure you take care of yourself. Listen to podcasts, practice meditation or yoga, speak to a therapist, start journaling. Do whatever it takes to lift up your spirits and focus on yourself.

  4. Set a new goal

    Use this breakup as an opportunity to pick up a new skill, learn a new hobby, read that book you’ve been dying to but haven’t got the chance to before. Finding new things to do will occupy your time, keep you busy and prevent you from going down the breakup rabbit hole.

It’s never easy to get over a relationship, just make sure you remember to embrace your feelings and find ways to lift up your spirits.


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