Types of Girls You’ll Meet in London

London is a melting pot of wild, but charming women. Some may disagree (if not the majority) but this is definitely a place to find "the one". Let's chat about the gyaldem you'll meet on your dating journey in the heart of the UK, London.

The "Country bumpkin"

Phrases like "Wow, London is so big" and "I've never seen buildings this tall before" or even "There's just too many people, where I'm from there's more sheep" may ring a bell.

Most likely they're newbies to the city. Impressing them isn't that difficult. Take them to a free museum or Wetherspoons for the rennaisance-like architecture and they'll be delighted. You might need a lot of patience for this one though as they might ask a lot of questions such as "How does an oyster card work?" or "I'm lost, can you help me?"

The "Local"

They're often sick of London. You'll hear all about their plans for holidays to 'Tenerife', or 'Mykonos' or basically anywhere where the sun isn’t too shy to come out. They're keen to explore more of the world or at least outside their borough.

If you're a London newbie these are the right people to hang around with because they'll know the right spots to be at. However if you are from London yourself and want to expand your horizons, it might not be the best romantic pursuit for you.

The "Finance Gyal"

Cocktails, corporate, and Canary Wharf are buzz words for this gem of a person. Probably worked their asses off to get to where they are only to be stuck in a job that’s slowly but surely ripping away their soul. “But the pay is good” she said whilst averaging around 5 hours of sleep.

Intelligence and bank accounts will be unmatched. If you are looking for someone driven these are definitely the right people for you. One thing to note is their hectic work schedule. These girls probably work 10-12 hours a day, and have no time for men.

The "Old Money"

Brunch in Marylebone, then wander around the West End. These girls live the high life and flaunt it. You could hardly call these girls a "Londoner" since they'd either be in Paris or Milan for the weekend swiping away daddy's credit card carelessly.

If you're looking for someone who's in it for you and not for nefarious reasons, these girls are for you. It's crucial to remember that their lifestyle isn't for everyone. If you can't keep pace, you'll be left in the dust.

The "Survivor"

Living off ramen packets and tap water. These girls are down-to-earth, wild and tenacious. Most likely moved to London on a whim or for artistic/entrepreneurial purposes.

These girls are free-spirited, strong-willed and not afraid to grab life by the balls and work it. They'll work multiple jobs to pursue or find their passion. Good thing to keep in mind is that these girls tend to be idealistic they’ll have an image of romance in their head and if you don’t fit the description they’ll chew you up and spit you out.


These are just 5 types of girls you’ll meet in London. Put your best foot forward. "The One" might be around the corner or be one of the countless of singles on HUNBUN.


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