4 Ways to tell that the first date went well

You just had the dreaded first date and you are worried if you made a good enough impression, that they see you as hubby/wifey material or even going on a second date. You sit their and scratch your head as anxiety starts to settle in your thick head. Well we’re here to help you scratch that itch in your mind.

  1. Convo’s smooth as Cocoa Butter

    The conversation should flow naturally and easily on a first date. If you are able to talk easily and comfortably to your date, it is tell-tale a sign that you are both enjoying one another's company. If you make them laugh and you find yourself laughing when engaged in conversation this is a really good sign that you are hitting it off, as laughter signifies comfort, enjoyment, and even attraction.

    2. Twinning!

When you and your date show a genuine interest in each other's lives and hobbies, it's a good sign that the date is going well. If you find that you and your date the same hobbies/interest this would just make the whole dating experience 10x better. An example would be if you’re both into pottery instead of going on another dinner/Netflix date the next date would be much more engaging and it gives them reasons to see you.

3. “If we’re talking body”

Positive body language is one to look out for as it signifies that the first date is going well. If your date is facing you, making eye contact, and leaning in when you speak, it's a sign that they are interested and engaged in the conversation. You also need to watch out for physical touch, excuse the awkward and nervous hand placement it’s not going to be perfect the first time around.

4. Next date?!

When they’re already hinting a second date is a sure-fire way to tell that the date went splendidly. It shows that they had a good time and that you we’re a total Casanova during the date that they just could not resist seeing you again.


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