The LGBTQ+ experience on mainstream dating apps

Today we celebrate Pride Month! We commemorate members of the LGBTQ+ community that have in the past and continue to fight for their right to choose someone they love and being their authentic self. Being loud and proud is more accessible now than before, but it does not mean that there aren’t hurdles to overcome.

The Success in Online Dating

The world of online dating is an enjoyable, yet chaotic mess for everyone. LGBTQ+ online daters are shown to be more active on dating platforms. There are 55% more LGBTQ+ online daters in comparison to straight daters who said they’ve had experience with dating apps at least once. That’s twice as much. 28% of LGBTQ+ online daters met their wives, husbands, or significant others online compared to 11% of straight daters.

The Ugly side of Online Dating as a LGBTQ+ community.

Online dating is not as safe as people assume. Mainstream dating apps that do not secure your safety, negative behaviours such as fake profiles, unsolicited nudes, and much worse happen daily .Members of the LGBTQ+ suffer the same consequences, if not worse ones. Anti-queer hate crimes happen often. Mainstream dating apps need to prioritise safety, and they need to prioritise it now.


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