How to make long-distance relationships work

You always hear people say that long-distance relationships (LDR) f*cking suck and most of the time they’re right, but if you and your partner decide to stick it out, it creates a bond like no other. Even though technology plays a huge role in helping us feel connected to our loved ones, it still requires a lot of time and dedication. LDR’s aren’t for everyone, so here are a few suggestions to make the journey less bumpy:

  1. Communicate communicate communicate!

    Communication is key to any successful relationship and it plays an integral role when you’re in a LDR. You need to be open and honest about your communication needs so that your partner can be made aware to avoid any disappointment. If you’re someone who likes to get daily updates, no matter how big or small, then you need to voice this to your partner. Once you’ve communicated your needs, the ball is in their court. It takes time for people to develop new habits for the sake of their partner, so remember to be patient!

  2. Make time for each other

    Living apart from each other plus the additional complexity of time zones makes it easy to forget that you’re in a relationship with someone that isn’t physically present. It’s important to chalk-out each other’s schedules and figure out a time to talk that works for both of you. Try talking on similar days/times to develop a pattern of communication. This will make it easier to stay in touch while also making you both feel involved in each others lives. Remember that there’s a difference between someone that makes time for you vs. someone that simply finds time to talk to you. The first one’s a keeper.

  3. Don’t be a green monster for no reason

    One of the biggest reasons for unsuccessful long-distance relationships are due to jealousy and trust issues. You need to be comfortable with the fact that your partner leads a social life that does not involve you. If there is no shady behavior, then you shouldn’t raise any alarms. That being said, if your partner is continuing to do something that causes you stress and makes you feel insecure, it’s important for you to be able to voice your concerns.

  4. Plan your next reunion

    Figuring out when you’re most likely to meet next gives you both something to look forward to. On the tough days, this can be a reminder that keep you going. On your calls spend time making a list of the places you both want to see, things you want to do, where you want to eat. Once it gets closer to the date you’ll both be so excited for all your conversations to come to life.

  5. Small gestures go a long way

    From time to time, remember to express your love and appreciation towards your partner in their love language. Not only will this strengthen your relationship, but it will help build intimacy with your partner despite the distance. Although physical touch is hard to accomplish given the distance, healthy long-distance relationships require both parties to feel valued, cared for and understood. Ultimately, you need to find ways that keep you both feeling connected, thats half the challenge.


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