Online dating fatigue and how to save your sanity

Let’s drop the B.S. and get down to the real talk, it can get exhausting staring at your screen 24/7 and swiping through a zillion matches. Here are some tips that we suggest to reduce online dating fatigue and preserve your sanity.

  1. All swipe and no talk? It’s time to take a break.

    We’ve all been there, done that, when it comes to swiping mindlessly just to kill some time. Unfortunately, you’re not doing yourself, or others any favors. In fact you’re doing yourself a disservice by stripping away that human aspect of connection we all so desperately seek in this weird time of our lives. If you’re guilty of this, it might be an indication to take a step back and do a digital detox or reduce your dating app screen time to 15-20 minutes a day. During this window of opportunity, you should aim to only connect with people that you genuinely find interesting beyond the physical features and talk about things that go beyond “what’s up”.

  2. Be clear with your intentions.

    If Miss ‘Rona has taught us anything, it’s that life is short and unpredictable. Be mindful that some singles may be hoping to meet the next love of their life, while others may simply want to have fun. While there’s a vast majority of us that don’t want to end our dating journey with marriage, many do, and therefore it is important to be upfront and honest about what you’re looking for.

  3. Treat others the way you would want to be treated.

    Some of the best parts about being in a relationship are small gestures of kindness, sharing a meal together and ultimately, feeling cared for. Remember to treat yourself the same way you would expect a romantic partner to treat you. After all self-care improves your mental health and in turn prevents you from settling for anyone less than what you deserve.

  4. If it feels like work, you’re doing it wrong.

    Remember that dating is supposed to be fun, if it feels stressful and sucks out all your energy, take a freaking break! On Hunbun you will be able to ‘pause’ your account, because we know that life can get a bit overwhelming at times and at the end of the day your happiness and mental well-being is what matters the most.


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