What’s your love language?

We give and receive love in different ways based on our upbringing and personalities. It’s important to acknowledge that what you might consider an act of love, might not be how your partner feels loved. Here’s a quiz you can take to find out your dominant love language. You might be wondering what are the different love languages anyway? Heres what you need to know:

Words of Affirmation

Some people need written and verbal reminders that they are loved. This includes saying ‘I love you’ frequently, giving compliments, telling them how much you appreciate them and value their presence in your life. If this is your partners love language, remember to be vocal about how much you love them (and do it often), texting these sentiments are also an acceptable form.

Acts of Service

This is when your partner does small things to take the load off your shoulders. Typically these types of people believe that actions speak louder than words. Acts of service can range from doing the dishes and vacuuming around the house to bringing you breakfast in bed after a hard week at work. Doing chores for your partner, big or small makes them feel appreciated and cared for.

Physical Touch

Sometimes physical signs of affection such as holding hands, giving massages, kissing, hugging and sex can be incredibly important to people. Naturally if you’re dating someone you’re bound to show your affection towards them. But if your partner’s love language is physical touch, remember that they like to feel connected to you physically when they’re out in public and hold them in your arms when they’ve had a bad day.

Quality Time

For some people, giving your undivided attention when you spend time together makes them feel special. If this is your partners love language, remember to dedicate a part of your day for them without distractions, maintain eye-contact, engage in an in-depth conversation and get lost in the moment with them.

Receiving Gifts

This love language is pretty straightforward: you appreciate when people gift you something as a symbol of their love. Before you ask, no, it does not have to be expensive! It’s more about the sentiment behind the gift that matters. If your partner’s love language is receiving gifts, then put careful thought into what you will give. For example, if you met on 47 Greek Street, then perhaps a necklace with this address engraved will express how much you love them.


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