Is it taboo to have sex on the first date?

Sex, making love, doing the hokey pokey, the dance with no underpants, knockin’ boots - whatever you want to call it. Sexual intercourse has a lot of social stigmas around it. These stigmas are what holds our primal urges back, we cage our inner animal and we put it in the corner and we shame it as society dictates.

What do men think?

“To me, it just means we're really into each other. What makes them girlfriend material is what we do afterwards. I've never got the whole losing respect thing. Sex is fun and natural. Unless they're huge degenerates, I couldn't see it as a bad thing.” As said by an anonymous redditor. The stigma on slut shaming still exists but it's not as prevalent as one might think, men and society in general are leading down the path of sex positivity.

What do women think?

“He was incredibly attractive and I was horny. We're married and I'm expecting our first child, so I'd say it went ok” written by an anonymous redditor. Contrary to popular belief, women do want to have sex. I know, shocking, right?! The traditional view is that women don’t have sex early because they feel like they will be shamed by everyone and they’ll be used solely for sexual gratification. Sex is to be enjoyed by everyone, and it’s a natural act that no one should be shamed for. One redditor exclaimed “I don’t want to be emotionally attached to someone just to find out that the sex is terrible”.

Does it lead to something meaningful?

58% of men and 56% of women have had sex with their long-time partners that’s more than hedging your bets on a coin-toss. This means that the belief that sex on the first date is meaningless is a myth. “Made love to my wife within 2 hours of meeting her. Married 9 years. Instant love.” said by a random redditor.

Squash that dusty mindset!

Knowing that facts should change the social stigma on sex right? Wrong! 83% of women still think that a guy would lose respect for them if they had sex during the first date, however 70% of guys said that it’s false. Go out there and get laid, if you feel the chemistry don’t hold back, but always remember to wear protection and get tested regularly and we hope you have a fruitful love life.


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